University Entrance Exam Outcome of 2005

• 100% eligible for university/colloege admissions, 66% eligible for (top) university admissions.

• Total average of university entrance examinations ranking No. 19 among all 158 schools in Guangzhou.

• Total average of university entrance examinations ranking No. 1 among all private schools of Guangzhou.

• Huang Sixuan, who returned to Guangxi for the university entrance examinations, ranks No.1 in Guangxi for his English. He is admitted by Tsing Hua University.

• Our students have found their entrance into top institutes such as Nankai University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Beijing Normal University, Sun-Yat-Sen University, and Beijing Film Academy.

• Those admitted by Nankai University or Xi'an Jiaotong University receive a Clifford Pang scholarship of 30,000 RMB respectively.

• Manitoba students are 100% admitted by Western universities.