Having successfully obtained five-star school accreditation
at Guangzhou municipal level

The Guangzhou municipal-level accreditation started on May 26-28. The experts lent ears to our self-evaluation report and the recommendations given by our School Board. They inspected our campus and teaching facilities, held many a meeting, handed out questionnaires to our faculty and students, referred to our file in the past three years, observed 14 periods of classes, and made full acknowledgement of our school status in their report:

Clifford School's philosophy of education is advanced, its mission is clear, its campus is beautiful, school ambience fine, program uniqueness striking, and its quality of educational service is high. It is a private school that has well acclaimed by the community and its parents.Ħħ

Guangzhou Education Bureau, on 2005, July 4, granted its formal approval of Clifford School's status as a five-star school in Guangzhou.