Canadian senator et al visit Clifford School

¡¡¡¡On 28 March, 2006, Joseph Day (CCLA member, Canadian Senator), Tom Wappel (CCLA member, Canadian Congressman), Norm, Radford (Executive Secretary of CCLA), and Timothy Ready Coughlin (Canadian Consular General to Guangzhou) came to Clifford School for a visit.

¡¡¡¡Dr. Xinyou Zhang the School Director briefed the guests the school¡¯s accomplishments over the past decade. Then accompanied by Mr. Pang the School Board Chairman and Dr. Zhang the School Director, the guests visited our Western classrooms, inquired about our cooperation with Manitoba Province of Canada; in the classrooms, they talked with our students in English and offered an interesting and detailed explanation about our students post-secondary study in Canada; they gave ears to our Chinese and Western teachers introducing their curriculum; and with interests, they watched the works of art by our students and teachers. They concluded their visit with a casual tour of our campus.