Our Students Excel in Model UN, Beijing

A 14-member team from Clifford School attended the Weland Model United Nations Training Camp 2009, and the Weland World Model United Nations Assembly 2009 that was held from 27 July to 6 August, 2009 in Beijing. Over 1,500 delegates from 106 senior high schools and universities in 27 countries, including China, the United States, Germany, Canada and India attended the mock congress. This year*s theme for the event was ※Revitalizing Our Global Economy and Boosting Development.§

The delegates, who assumed the roles of member nations within the real United Nations and the G20 Summit members, held discussions on scores of topics including anti-terrorism, development of space, global warming, and cooperative extensions on tackling the global financial crisis. Additional simulation activities included Strategic Dialogues between China and the US, Europe, and India.

During the training camp, our students distinguished themselves for their individual and collective performances. Tang Zixin (12B), Zheng Weixin (12C), and Li Jiong*En (12A) were nominated as Outstanding Trainees for their efforts.

During the Model UN Assembly, Clifford School was assigned the member nation of Cuba, and our twelve delegates, as representatives of Cuba, were assigned to the following committees:
* Zheng Weixin 每 UN Development Program
* Tao Jing 每 UN Food and Agriculture Program
* Tan Zixin 每 UN Commission on Human Rights
* Chen Liyi, Zhang Fang 每UN Disarmament Commission
* Xie Yuanyuan, Jin Ziyang, Xu Junnan, Shi Rundong 每 UN International Law
* Li Jiong*En 每 UN Children*s Fund
* Wu Wanting, Xie Zitian 每 Council of the European Union

Even though this was their debut in such a forum, the Clifford students were not overwhelmed by the spotlight. Rather, they assumed their roles as ambassadors from Cuba and engaged their fellow delegates in discussions worthy of their English ability and as members of Clifford School.

One delegate, Zheng Weixin, who also serves as President of the school*s Student Union, received the highest compliments from the Presidium and her peers as she was awarded the Best Delegate at the Model UN Assembly.

Our Model UN team, who engaged in the English-language only conference, truly benefited from the experience. They were given the opportunity to discuss global, cultural, economic, and social issues with members from around the world, and now have a better understanding of both the inner workings of the UN and a wider view of the world. Students gained confidence and were able to practice public speech and debate skills, displayed their intelligence and spirit of teamwork, and served as outstanding representatives of Clifford School on this global stage.