Clifford School Awarded ¡°China Model Private School¡±

Since its inception in 1996, Clifford School has practiced bilingual teaching for over 13 years, and has developed its uniqueness of ¡°international philosophy, multi-purpose courses, small-sized classes, multi-national teacher/student structures, multi-national campus culture, and global orientation for its graduates¡±. In September 2009, the school enlisted itself for the election of ¡°National Model Private School¡± sponsored by Research Center of China Private Education and National Council for Promotion of Private Education. In October, the school won the nomination for its ¡°Advanced Philosophy, Standard Equipment, Efficient Management, Professional Staff, Distinctive Program, Effective Research, and Colorful Ethics¡±. This award is an acknowledgement of the school¡¯s veteran reputation and outstanding accomplishments for years past.