Great Sucess:Credits to Clifford School Students in Multifarious Competitions

Credits to Clifford School Students in Multifarious Competitions
Our school takes pride in Chen Huizhi from G9A and Deng Jianjin from G9B for their first prize in the Guangzhou 2002 G9 English Contest (Panyu District has only three of its students taking the first prize, with 2 of them from our school), while Yu Wenxuan of G9B won the second prize, the three of them hand-in-hand having won the second team prizeĦ£

Our G10 students has taken the third place within the realm of Panyu District in the 2002 Guangdong provincial exam in geology with their average at 82.4.

In the Panyu Distric math investigation & research test, G10 and G11 of our school have taken the 3rd and 2nd place respectively.

In the 2002 history open exam for juniors, Jiang Xiuli, Hu Chuqiao (both G8A) and Yi Li (G8B) have all taken the lead for their works of excellence.