Expanding Mutual Communication, Welcoming Honored Guests

The general consulate of Australia visiting our campus
ˇˇFor six years since its birth, Clifford School has brought itself wide-ranging credit at home and abroad for its unique bilingual program and its international orientation in school operation aiming to be in line with international standard. For the time being, foreign and Chinese students keep rushing in for enrollment into our school, visiting guests from home and abroad keep filing into our campus. The visiting person/time in 2002 of our school has surpassed 8000 Among them are delegates from Manitoba province, University of Manitoba' director of English Program, BC's Okanagan University College's Director of International Education, and Brigham Young University-Hawaii's representatives. On the picture is the general consulate of Australia to Guangzhou with his accompany of 8 people visiting our campus escorted by Dr. Zhang. The consulate wondered at the essays written by our Elementary pupils.