Recent Prize Winning of Students & Teachers

¡¤In 1st National Science English Contest, Clifford Elementary School stands out for its five 2nd prizes, five 3rd prizes, and five prizes of excellence.

¡¤English play <The Emperor¡¯s New Clothes> wins 2nd prize in 1st National English Sitcom Contest.

¡¤Clifford Elementary School is selected as ¡°the best English teaching school of China¡±.

¡¤In the ¡°2005 First-ever China-Japan-Korea Children Art Show¡±, the English speech silver prize (Guangdong) goes to Tong Yue, a G6 student of Clifford Elementary School.
Liu Yiye (G6D), also from Clifford Elementary School, has snatched the golden prize in music at provincial and national level in the ¡°2005 First-ever China-Japan-Korea Children Art Show¡±, and at the same time, been crowned national ¡°Star to Spark¡±.

¡¤Clifford Elementary School student Ye Jiayan (G6D) has taken the first place (Panyu) in the National Hua Luogeng Cup Math Contest, thus qualified for Guangzhou contest. Wang Ziheng (G6E) ranks No. 3.

¡¤Gao Junhao(G6C) and Ye Xuanhao(G6C) won the 3rd prize in 2003 national Olympic math
¡¡contest for elementary school students.

¡¤14 students headed by Wu Jiajun (G6) won medals in ¡°national art contest for youngsters¡±.

¡¤26 students headed by Liu Guozhen (G6) have their art works published on the album
¡¡<selected art works by teachers & students of China

¡¤29 students headed by Shao Jingwen (G5) have their art works exhibited in the ¡°2003 painting
¡¡& calligraphy shuttle exhibition¡±.

¡¤54 students headed by Chen Siyue (G1) won prizes for their paintings in the national PHE
¡¡international painting & calligraphy contest.

¡¤On Sept. 10, the Teachers¡¯ Day, 8 Elementary teachers -- Feng Haibei, Zhu Yuansong, Xiong Jia ,Sun Hong, Cui Ling, Ji Jun, He Lingping, and Li Guixiang were nominated as educators of the year 2002-2003 for their excellence.