Brad Zawodny



Brad Zawodny has been working in China since 1998. In 2001, he came to Clifford School to work in the English Language Center (ELC) where he has been its Director for the past five years. Brad has his Master of Arts Degree in Education in Literacy and Educational Leadership from Michigan State University. He is currently studying for his Doctorate of Education in Leadership from the University of Bristol.

Brad received an award as an Excellent Teacher for 2005-06 from the Chairman of the Clifford Group, Mr Clifford Pang, at a special ceremony attended by the whole faculty, Chinese and Western. Brad’s citation read, in part, that “in the time that Brad has been the Director of the ELC the quality of teaching and learning there has become very strong indeed. Students returning to their Homeroom classes from the ELC have well-developed English language skills and fit comfortably and confidently back into those classes. Brad’s understanding of the nature of learning English as a second (of Foreign) language, his curriculum knowledge and his leadership abilities combine to make him a highly valued member of the Clifford School western faculty leadership team.