Sarah Hodgson
Nationality: British
Education: BA Education (Hons) QTS, Middlesex University (England)

Sarah has been working as a primary school teacher for 15 years. She taught in London, England for three years before moving to China in 1997. Sarah taught at an international school in Guangzhou for ten years and then came to Clifford School. She was extremely honored to receive the award of ¡®Excellent Teacher for 2008-2009¡¯. Working with Chinese and Western staff, students and parents at Clifford School is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Sarah finds it fascinating to watch the amalgamation of two completely different languages and two diverse teaching methods, providing our students with the knowledge, skills and understanding to become bilingual citizens of the world. Sarah has travelled extensively in China and South East Asia - she has visited almost every province in the ¡®Middle Kingdom¡¯!